Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Stand up for what you believe


Stand Up - Don’t let anyone ever break your soul. You have to stand on your own two feet and stand up for yourself. There are those that would give anything to see you fail, but you must never give them the satisfaction. Hold your head up high, smile and stand your own ground.

Sejak kebelakangan ni, teman gemo sngt ber-quote2 ni...dah rasa mcm kemestian klau nak meng-update kt fb. Teman rasa ni ler ayat pengganti diri dan ayat membakor semangat teman sejak dua menjak ni. Dah rasa mcm malas nak bersuara sngt, mungkin dah sampai 1 tahap teman dah mls nak berkata2 kot, rasa bila perlu jer baru teman berkata2.

Percaya atau tidak, quote2 i lah yg menaikkan semangat teman, yer la selain dari anak, family dll...kebiasaan quote yg teman suka bebenor sal lessons learned of life quotes, ckp jer nak psl apa smua ada, just search jer...semuanya sal kehidupan baik dari psl cinta, putus cinta, semangat, kekuatan, dorongan...mcm2 laaa.

Wajib!!!... setiap pagi mesti kena ada secawan tea o panas + handphone, lepas tu mula ler mencari quote nak diupdatekan kat fb...so far dalam hidup teman cuma ada 1 jer quote yg buat teman suka bebenor...bkn yg lelain xbest...banyak cuma yg ni menarik minta teman sampai kekalbu gitew...hehehe

"When i give, it does not come with strings.
I'm not keeping track of what you owe me.
When i give, I choose to do so without ulterior motives.
I give because i know what it's like to be without.
To long for and be ignored. To speak and not be heard.
To care for and have nothing returned.
When i give it's because i get it.
It's because i know the value in what i have in my heart.
And i refuse to let the world stop me from sharing that.
But when things start being taken for granted.
When you no longer appreciate my sincerity, won't switch.
I wont get angry and i wont be spiteful.
I'll just get smart and i'll change your role in my life.
Because when i give, i'm all in. 
But when i'm done, there's no looking back".

klau korang baca banyak2 kali , means bagi org sedang kecewa laa...korang baca ni banyak2 kali smpi korang bosan...dalam xsedar ia sedikit sebanyak akan kasi up koranganya semangat dan kekuatan tuk bangun dan berjuang. Ni lah apa yg teman rasa...selain kita berdoa dan memohon pdnya kan ...yg ni dari diri kita sendiri...usaha tuk perbetulkan diri. Jangan kita tunduk pada kekalahan dan jgn dipikirkan sngt mslh ni...baik kita pikirkan apa yg patut kita buat tuk jadi lebih bagus.

Mng bukan senang nak dapat kekuatan dan semangat...pernah tanya x pada diri sendiri....kenapa ALLAH ciptakan kita ada hati?..pernah tak korang tanya pd diri sendiri kenapa?...xpernahkan?..semuanya banyak merungut, mengeluh dari memikirkan. Tu tandanya kita xmensyukuri dan menghargai pemberian darinya...klau kita bersyukur pasti kita tau apa yg perlu kita lakukan dan buat....betul x?. 

Selain ayat2 quote yg bermotivasi ni, teman selalu amalkan zikir2 yg bersesuaian...banyak zikir2 skrg kita blh dwnload kat goole or kat youtube sebagai panduan. Jangan sesekali kita tunduk pada kegagalan diri sendiri, jgn sesekali kita mengalah sebelum kita mencuba dan usaha. 

  • Don’t be too hard on yourself. There are plenty of people willing to do that for you. Love yourself and be proud of everything that you do. Even mistakes mean you’re trying.
  • Breathe.
    At times, I know it’s hard to believe in good days. In love. In healing. In happiness. And so I will not ask you to believe in anything or anyone other than you. Believe in yourself first and the rest will come.
  • Seriously, be strong and know when enough is enough. Take your stand, speak up and refuse to let others hurt you. Throughout your lifetime some people will discredit you, disrespect you and treat you poorly for no apparent reason at all. Don’t consume yourself with trying to change them or win their approval. And don’t make any space in your heart to hate them. You don’t have control over what others think about you, but you do have control over how you decide to internalize their opinions. Leave them to their own judgements. Let people love you for who you are, and not for who they want you to be. Or let them walk away if they choose. They can’t harm you either way; it’s their understanding that is faulty, not yours.

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